EVOO Ice Cream with a Calabrian Chili Orange Drizzle

EVOO Ice Cream with a Calabrian Chili Orange Drizzle


2 cups heavy cream
15 oz can of sweetenend condesensed milk
¼-½ cup First Crush EVOO (based on your liking)
¼ tsp sea salt
¼ cup Calabrian Chili Orange Spread
¼ cup water


  1. Place a metal bowl in the freezer for at least 15 minutes. 
  2. Pour heavy cream into the cold metal bowl and whip with a hand mixer on high for about five minutes until stiff peaks form.
  3. In a separate bowl add the sweetened condensed milk, First Crush EVOO and salt. Stir until combined. 
  4. Gently fold the olive oil mixture into the whipped cream. Pour into a loaf pan and freeze for at least four hours.
  5. Prepare the Calabrian Chili Orange Drizzle. Add the spread and water to a small pot and heat over medium high heat. Let it come to a light simmer for 3-4 minutes until it is slightly reduces and thick. Let cool before serving.